Investment Opportunities
Kelantan Utilities Mubaarakan (KUM)
An invesment holding company with diverse busines interests in the following 5 Key Pillars:

Green Energy
- Biogas & biomass
- Solar & Hydro Projects
- Conventional power generation with low carbon emission technologies
- Energy efficiency technologies
- Energy generation from non fossil fuel
- Low carbon power generation technologies
- Renewable energy technologies
- Other forms of alternative energy
Green Energy
- Biogas
- Biomass
- Conventional power generation with low carbon emission technologies
- Energy efficiency technologies
- Energy generation from non fossil fuel
- Low carbon power generation technologies
- Renewable energy technologies
- Other forms of alternative energy

Green Building
- Building consultants
- Building material and construction technologies
- Building services and products
- Energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies in building application
Green Building
- Building consultants
- Building material and construction technologies
- Building services and products
- Energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies in building application

Green Transport
- Electric Vehicles
- Hybrid and energy efficient and fuel efficiency technologies
- Plug in hybrid electric vehicles
Green Transport
- Electric Vehicles
- Hybrid and energy efficient and fuel efficiency technologies
- Plug in hybrid electric vehicles

Clean Water Technology
- New water production technologies
- Rain water harvesting
- Water efficiency appliance
- Water management and recycling
Clean Water Technology
- New water production technologies
- Rain water harvesting
- Water efficiency appliance
- Water management and recycling

Waste Management
- Reuse, Reduce, Recycle
- Biodegradable products from waste
- Composting
- Emission management
- Waste conversion into wealth
- Waste reduction and recycling
- Waste to energy
Waste Management
- Reuse, Reduce, Recycle
- Composting
- Memane emission management
- Waste conversion into wealth
- Waste reduction and recycling
- Waste to energy